There’s a free RAFFLE in the air!!

Just want to make an addendum, if I know you personally and you KNOW that I know where you live, you won’t need to tell me that. That was for everyone who I don’t know so that I can get in touch with them should they win, and to confirm the home town. Remember, this is open to ANYONE anywhere in the world, I will pick up the shipping costs. So far we have Cookie, Thomas III, alliegirl_40 and Iggy entered, plus I know that Pixie wanted to enter and as there are panties in the offing, I will take a chance that Munchkin will want in πŸ˜‰

And it is coming REAL soon!!!

Now comes the real fun stuff πŸ™‚ Assuming all goes to plan, I am hoping to conduct a drawing via video on Aug the 15th. There will be more details to come later, in about a week or so, but this is just to give you a heads up. The main sponsor of this event is Cane-Iac and they will be donating 5 prizes. Now then, in order to claim those prizes you will need to register on Cane-Iac’s site, you can either do that now by clicking on the link below, or you can do so if you win one of those prizes. Either way, as these guys have so kindly donated prizes for the contest I would personally appreciate it if you would at least click the banner below to go and visit their wonderful spanking toys. Toys that I might add are sold at a very reasonable price for any budget.

Calicutie has also offered up a prize from her own store, Paddlesandpanties. I had requested a pair of the ‘100% Spankable’ panties to add to the raffle, basically to replace the ones that I said I was going to offer but have since had to remove from the raffle. Once again, click the banner below to see what Calicutie is also offering, from custom made paddles to various types of spanking panties, something that I know that the girls go wild for πŸ˜‰

So right now we will have a top prize of a $50 ‘Dollars for toys’ voucher from the Cane-Iac store, plus 4 other prizes of $25 ‘Dollar for toys’ vouchers. A pair of spanking panties courtesy of Calicutie, and perhaps a paddle from them also (I’m not 100% sure what they are sending me yet). Now from my end I am also going to be adding other prizes as well. These are going to include the Fanny Warmer paddle from Rosy Bottoms, two DVD’s, one from Shadow Lane and one from Bethany’s woodshed, as well as a couple of other spanking implements that I have yet to decide on. They will include however a school type paddle and probably one of my vintage brushes. Next week I will give you all a full run down of the exact prizes, but from what I can see already there is going to be 12 prizes, though I expect that number to get to a minimum of 15 prizes and perhaps more.

Now for the all important rules of the raffle, and as usual they are as basic as can be. The raffle is free and is open to ANYONE!!! It doesn’t matter who you are, you are welcome to join in this free raffle. There are no catches at all, this is being funded by the sponsors prizes, and everything else is coming out of my own pocket. There is nothing hidden, I am only doing this for the purpose of self gratification and because I think it is a fun and novel idea. It pleases me to be able to give something back to the spanking community.

There is one thing that I have to do though, and that is to put into place some form of gathering peoples names and ensuring that it is only one entry per person. I’m going to tell you now that it isn’t a foolproof system, I will do my best, but it is really up to the people entering to show some honesty. People can accuse me of cheating all they want, but I cannot really control when other people are cheating and then they try and blame it all on me. So below is what you need to do in order to enter. Now this is just an early post, next week I will make a major post where I expect nearly all entrants to send me their names for the free raffle. It isn’t too early to put your name in the hat and I am starting to take those names as of right now.

This is what YOU need to do!!

In order to take part in the free raffle I need the following from you, you enter with the following information when you sign up.

1) The scene name that you are using to enter

2) Your City/State and Country

3) Your email address

So as an example, mine will read as such should I have entered:

Richard Windsor

Glendale, NY, USA

There is a reason for this, anybody who wins a prize will need to have it confirmed via theΒ email address that they provide, AND, when I ship the prize, it needs to be sent to the correct town matching the entry. Other than keeping an eye on IP Addresses, this is the only thing I am capable of doing to ensure that it is one entry per person.

Now then, if everyone is playing along fairly anyway, this shouldn’t be a problem whatsoever. Of course I am acutely aware of the need for privacy, so if you don’t wish to leave your entry in the comments section to these posts, you can simply send your entry to me at Remember, only enter with a scene name, when I draw the prizes live on video, I will only announce the winners as a general location. I,e; Prize number one goes to Richard Windsor from the North East of the United States. No information whatsoever will be divulged to anybody other than the winners themselves. If you don’t trust me on that, then simply don’t enter πŸ™‚ You are of course going to need to let me know where to ship the prize should you actually win so I will be requesting shipping addresses from the winners.

So the raffle is officially open right now, you can start to enter at this time if you so wish by either leaving me a comment here, or by emailing me your entry. There is going to be at least 15 prizes and the drawing will be done on camera. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, I will foot the bill for the shipping. I might even film the drawing in a bar so that I can have random people draw the winners for us all to see. It also doesn’t matter who you are, the raffle is open to ANYONE, even those people who have crossed me in the past πŸ™‚

Please click the banners of the sponsors above to visit their sites, as a way of a thank you for their generosity. And don’t make this hard eh? If two prizes are going to the same house then the chances are only one will make it there πŸ˜‰ And if you sign up multiple times using the same IP address I will just delete the lot. This raffle is being done with nothing but kindness from me, please show that same kindness in return.

One final thing, if you are a website owner and you like what I am doing here, get in touch with me and I will gladly organize another raffle at a later time where you will get free promotion as a main sponsor. Watch how this one goes first and then see if it is something that you would want to consider in the future.

I’m going to throw this one in at the end here as well as a post edit. I just heard that one of my favorite old time Rockabilly artists, Billy Lee Riley, just passed away today at the age of 76. I last saw Billy two years ago performing in New York at the annual Lincoln Center show. Here is a video of Billy from 30 years ago singing one of his best loved songs.

Richard Windsor.

31 thoughts on “There’s a free RAFFLE in the air!!

  1. i hope all goes well with the raffle. i will refrain from entering only because i have no use for any toys. i would enter if it will help the cause and if you know someone who could use prize if i did win and give it to them.

    thy name is magnanomus best of luck.

    we wanna boogie with sonny burgess,


  2. I hope I am not the first to enter. I hate being the first on things. Anyways thank you very much Richard. I hope all goes well and here is my entry. Ill leave it here since I have my own blog and pictures or videos everywhere so privacy is not an issue for me.

    Cookie Crawford
    Brandon, FL USA

    Now I have to ask. Is it one entry per person or just one per couple for those that are couples. Just wondering if Thomas may also enter the raffle.
    I love cane-iac items they have a very wonderful selection at a very affordable price. I wasn’t aware that cali-cutie has a store though so Ill have to check that out. Thanks so much for letting me know. I think I might need a pair of those panties someday. A spankee can never have enough panties you know.

  3. Consider Thomas’ entry as already added as well, Cookie πŸ™‚ I’m only trying to stop people signing up with 25 different email addresses πŸ™‚

    BTW, you were first πŸ˜‰ Surprisingly nobody has entered yet other than you two, maybe that will change once I post the raffle prizes in full.

  4. Hi Richard,
    I would like to enter the raffle. Thank you for taking the time to sponsor it! πŸ™‚
    I have a question…I just registered at cane-iac..does that mean I am entered into the raffle? That is my understanding from what I read above.


    I have visited both sites quite often and enjoy browsing the offerings they have.

    I am happy to be number 3 πŸ™‚


  5. Hi alliegirl_40,

    Maybe I rambled on a bit too much. No, it is not a requirement that you register with Cane-Iac at this time. To enter the raffle you simply have to do what you just did, leave the 3 pieces of information for me either on here or to my email address.

  6. houndog.

    so sorry to hear about billy lee. i think i have this by billy “the kid”emmerson. a great side.

    be sure to turn over boogie for red headed woman.

    i kinda thot you had all my info but i’ll send it to you. remember if i win anything [fat chance i never win anything] you’ll have to award the the prize to a deserving friend. if it should be panties send them to pixie, but talk about coals to newcastle…

    race with the devil my friend,


  7. Panties? Whyever would I be interested in panties? I’m not an addict I swear!!!

    Ok, dammit, sign me up. Cane-iac stuff is awesome too. I just got several paddles from them recently.

    So basically, forget this raffle business, and just give ME everything πŸ˜€

  8. lol I like Munchkins idea. Just give her everything, no wait I mean ME LOL.
    And thanks Richard for adding Thomas as well.
    It figures I should have waited one more day then I wouldn’t have been. My internet usage is hit or miss though recently. Im just glad I was able to get to your blog. I missed it last week when I didn’t have access to it at the library, that stank. I have your blog as well as Todd and Suzys top place on my favorites so I can get to them everyday.

  9. I’d like to sign up, I think you have my email but I can email you my info too if you need it. Just because that’s my main vanilla account and I try to not post it on spanking sites. πŸ™‚

  10. Hi Rich,
    Count me in please. This is a great idea and I know some deserving causes πŸ˜‰

    All the best,

    Peter Rossi
    Manchester UK

  11. Richard,
    Contact me for your next contest. You should have known through Cookie, Dixie, Todd &Suzy and many others that I have provided many spanking products for good causes. I like give aways! So, I’m in…
    Chattanooga TN.

  12. No problem, Lee, and next time for sure, I will definitely get in touch πŸ™‚ I also like to give stuff away πŸ™‚


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