Windsor’s Sunday Candids 44

Coincidentally,  before moving on to this weeks pic,  I added 9 more pics to the vintage F/M collection bringing the grand total to 100 spanking pics from the forties through seventies,  almost all of which are new to the Internet. Click the following link for that collection. THE F/M COLLECTION (These pics won’t be posted on my blog)

Now maybe I can bring something a little new to the world of stage spanking.

There is a spanking in the play  “My Heart’s in High”  in which I have only seen one pic before. That pic I’m pretty certain belonged to Harry and while I have it sat in my folder,  I won’t add it until long after he has posted it. Those are the ethics that I think we both follow. Neither of us mind sharing our collections,  but if Harry posts something then I won’t post the same thing until a period of time has passed,  to allow him the time to have a decent run with the pic. Harry also does the same. If I post something then down the line,  if he doesn’t have it,  it will be added to his collection once a small time has passed where I can get a run with my finds

I think that is a decent way to go about it,  after all our collections are there to be enjoyed by the spanking community. Obviously though we are also posting them because we want readers to get the full benefit out of our collections. That has really been my only complaint when our pics are taken,  if there is no link back then what it is in effect doing is preventing the spanking community as a whole from actually enjoying our entire works and efforts. And we WANT them to enjoy our works,  that’s why we do it 🙂

So in regards to  “My Heart’s In High”. Do I have a brand new,  never before seen spanking pic? Only Harry and the other collectors who don’t have blogs will know that,  but I present it to you here.

Now I have to rely on Harry in regards to the play synopsis,  but I can’t help noticing the similarity in out between this play,  and the movie,  Nice Girl where Ann Gillis gets spanked. I wonder if there is a link between the two? Of course the extra padding of the house coat could have been rectified,  it would have been much more effective on the seat of her pajamas. The Nice Girl pic is underneath this weeks entry.

This will be added to my VARIOUS SCHOOL PLAYS folder.

my hearts in high edison 52a


One thought on “Windsor’s Sunday Candids 44

  1. Several things to say here, starting with thanks for the link. Sorry none of the pictures were new to you, but obviously the script was!

    Secondly, please don’t wait for me to post the other ‘My Heart’s in High’ pic… feel free to post it whenever it suits you. I haven’t yet managed to source the script and I generally avoid doing articles about English language plays without a script, unless there is no prospect of one becoming available. What I can tell you now is that this particular playwright had a track record for including spanking scenes, just like Jay Tobias (the author of ‘Dotty and Daffy’) and the prolific Robert St Clair.

    Thirdly, it’s only fair to say that, in my experience, most bloggers who recycle pictures from our sites are pretty good about linking back so that people can read the full story. We’re mainly talking about one particular blogger who rips stuff, adding nothing of his own, and puts them into galleries without acknowledgement, sometimes on the very same day that we publish the material ourselves. There is a matter of etiquette here and also a matter of ethics. The ethics, to my mind, are about the principle of ‘credit where credit is due’, which means credit for both the person who created the material in the first place, and the person who discovered it and made it available for our community to view. Both have put in labor, and both are entitled to credit for that labor. I take care to credit the originators of the material I write about, to the best of my ability; both they and I are deprived of our due credit when the material is taken for a gallery without a link back. Not good behavior, sadly.

    And finally, of course, I thank you for your decency in the same vein.

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