Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 90

Over on Twitter yesterday I engaged in a conversation regarding full nudity and ‘gina spreadies in spanking videos. Part of my reason for this is being an older man who grew up in a different time. The photo that I am presenting today,  a recent Ebay find from 1964,  could almost define what I love in a spanking photo,  and there isn’t any spanking going on.

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words,  and this image could certainly allow me to prose a thousand words on what I am seeing. Who are they? What is their relationship? Why is this spanking about to take place,  or has it just finished? What is she reaching for with her right hand? It looks like her coat is where her legs are. She is donned head to foot in a pink color,  including her coat if you look closely enough. One assumes then that she also has pink panties on.

(Judy from STEAMY BEDTIME cheekily added over on Twitter “…and, one assumes, the pink will soon extend to at least one other part of her anatomy!”) 

If anyone knows about pink bottoms then Judy would be that person,  go and check their site out RIGHT HERE.

You have no idea how much I love pictures like this,  and obviously this is going into the PLAYFUL SPANKINGS folder as it defines just what a playful spanking is. It takes me back to a different time where fun spankings were a common occurrence to see in person. I will take this type of photo any day of the week.

I’m hoping that by Wednesday my recent Ebay purchase will have arrived at my house for the Wednesday classic this week. It is an image that I have searched for,  for 12 plus years now. I’ve never seen it for sale before,  the one grainy image that has been seen on the Internet has no identifying information on it to aid a search,  and the original caption for the image is possibly wrong. All I am getting is the two page photo shoot from the magazine,  so I don’t even know if the name of the magazine is going to be shown on what I am getting. I’m excited though,  because a clear copy of this image has to be on the Internet,  and I am happy to provide it. Not only that but I will share the article in full so that you can read it as it was meant to be seen.

One thought on “Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 90

  1. I am with you 1000% about the full nude vagina shots. I love the new picture it is incredible. Honestly give me a panty spanking picture any day.


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