Switching Spankings At The Cabin

Ironically,  the first spanking that I ever witnessed in America back in 1985,  was a birthday spanking with a broom,  the exact same type of broom as shown in these two pics here. Are they twins switching birthday spankings? Boyfriend and girlfriend? A married couple? Who knows what the story is,  but as it is a cabin,  surely an ACTUAL switch would be more appropriate  🙂

If you have a penchant for vintage F/M pics I also have an online folder that contains 100 of them from the 1950’s and 1960’s. You won’t find them anywhere unless someone who has access to the folder has since shared them elsewhere. If you want to look at the folder I do a simple trade off,  simply fill in either of the two surveys below which I use for my series of SPANKING INTERVIEWS and I will provide you with access. I don’t post these pics so it is the only way to get them,  and in return I get a little interaction from the viewing audience which I rarely get otherwise. A few samples seen below,  all pics are full size.


The Woman Next Door

Perhaps the most popular fantasy scenario throughout all the surveys,  especially the Dana one below. It would appear to be a deep seated fantasy especially among the male audience for taking a trip over the lap of the woman next door. Perhaps harking back to the time when it was likely that the next door neighbor or one of your best friends mom would spank you. Even if it was just a fantasy,  it seems to be a frequent one.

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Dana Specht Spanks

Every year Dana Specht and I conduct an interview and we seek user submitted questions and idea. Your thoughts are passed onto Dana and they help us form the interviews for the future,  whether they are video interviews or written ones. Have you ever imagined a spanking by Dana?

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