Rock Paper Scissors

Over on Youtube I have been binging on these Asian videos where they play Rock, Paper, Scissors and the loser gets a whack. Now, we are talking canes, switches, belts, paddles, you name it, they have an array of implements that they use. Some variation of a cane or a switch are the most commonly used items.

To be honest I can’t quite work out the language, and I am normally good with Asian languages. I’m thinking this is Thai, but it could be Chinese as well. Keep in mind that the loser gets whacked so you are likely to see either M/F, F/M or F/F.

There is a LOT of jumping up and down and hopping from one foot to the other if that is your thing đŸ™‚ And let me give you a little tip as well, instead of just clicking the play button, look for the link that says “Watch on Youtube” and click on that instead. There are literally dozens and dozens of these videos on Youtube so if you watch it on there you will see similar recommended videos in the sidebar as well.

Let me know if you recognize the language, I would love to know if it is indeed Thai.

*Edit: I ran the channel name through Google and it detected Chinese, so I am likely wrong on the language.

5 thoughts on “Rock Paper Scissors

  1. I reckon they’re Chinese in origin from the language and the settings. There are hundreds of them out there – at one time there were a couple of accounts posting one or two every single day. They have reduced a little now but Man Man and Deng Deng still post one just about every day. They’re also prolific on TikTok – try tieutudi and qupewss11 for starters. In a similar vein, there are some that appear to be from Japan, also on TikTok, posted by kenboripple where they just cut out the game and whack the girl in a busy street.

  2. I also recently discovered these videos. Seem to be very real,
    hard blows landing on the buttocks of very attractive ladies, and
    also their boyfriends (?) in equal measurements. There was also a
    very entertaining one where a guy kept swatting an imaginary mosquito
    on his girlfriend’s bum. Eventually she ended up over his knee while he
    pretended to do a good dead. Not understanding the dialogue kind of adds
    to the enjoyment – – You can make up scenarios in your own head.

  3. Oops! Forget to mention the TikTok account of tieutudi – currently the most prolific poster of this genre of videos by far

  4. Yes, I’ve seen many of these, and there are certainly some very painful whacks!

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