Windsor Wednesday Classic – 84

With this little hobby of mine there are times where one just stumbles across a rare find that they weren’t intending to find. What was funny was that I was searching for something else and the results turned up a two page spread. What I was searching for was on one page and had no relevance,  but by pure luck the other page held this gem. Any collector will tell you,  sometimes you just strike it lucky.

The play in question is Child Wonder and you can follow the link to Harry’s site for a full review on the play. With that said however,  I have found a new pic from the play and it is an absolute corker. Perhaps with the added bonus that as Harry hasn’t posted it,  the picture is likely something that is going to be new to everybody. It is a real gem and I hope that you enjoy it,  as I am sure that the OTK lovers will go bananas over it. The picture is from 1956 and one could say that it meets all of the requirements to be considered a spanking classic. Feel free to comment,  I would love to hear your thoughts on this rarity. BTW,  I don’t think Marion is actually seated 🙂

This will be added to my VARIOUS SCHOOL PLAYS folder.

Child Wonder Appleton ME 56

3 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 84

  1. Yes, quite an amazing pic for us otk lovers. I do love her expressions and the expressions of the witnesses as well. Great find. Thank you. I also liked the spanked in a bathing suit it did show off her bottom quite well. I wish I had your collector’s passion and patience I have adult ADD and I do tend to surf more and in doing so have missed spankings that happened shortly after I left. I am glad that you gave us links to Harry’s site as I do think mainstream spanking does uncover a lot of absolute awesome finds for otk lovers and spankos in general. Thanks again and have a great day.

  2. Thank you Richard for sharing this excellent photo. I know that not all of your “finds” share the quality of this particular picture but I want to assure you that they are all appreciated never the less. I too love to find references to genuine spanking situations in vintage newspaper articles. Sadly, searching the combination of the two words spanking and divorce yields a gold mine of such references. You are a kind and generous man, I hope your various searches will always be personally rewarding.

  3. Right you are, Richard, that “sometimes you just strike it lucky.” In the case of your gem from “Child Wonder,” I think one reason that it hits all the right chords is that we get to see this OTK spanking straight on, with no cutesy side angles and no erotic distractions. This is how ALL over-the-knee spankings should be seen!

    Positioning is key. The spanker, Paul Norton, has his right hand raised above the spankee’s bottom just right. The onlookers’ positionings are just what they would be and should be, in a real-life scenario. In short, someone went to the trouble of creating this scene properly. I thank you for bringing us this jewel of a picture.


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