Thumb Size

A while back I was talking with a fellow collector and we lamented about the fact as to how difficult finding pics can be at times. One source of pics is to scour books for their  “Snaps”  page,  but this can present a real problem because what you are viewing is a thumbnail sized pic,  and what you are looking for is a thumbnail within the thumbnail. Our joke revolved around the fact that we would probably go blind doing this by straining our eyes so much.

One thing that I do when searching is to increase the viewing page size to 250% which at the very least increases your chance of spotting a blurry spanking pic. Whilst my collection of unseen pics is vast,  I know for a fact that there is probably as many out there that I have yet to discover.

So what I am going to present to you today are six thumbnail pics which have been altered. Now there was a time when I had a discussion on this blog about altering pics,  and I was took to task a little bit over it,  which turned out to be ironic because one of my pics was then taken and the out of focus portion at the top right of the pic was cropped out,  but I do understand that people want to see exactly what was originally intended.

Now don’t worry,  I haven’t taken pics and enhanced the color of the bottom,  what I have done with these pics is simple. They are so small in size that what I did was double the size of them. Doing this of course blurs the pic to a small degree,  but if I didn’t do that then they would almost be impossible to see. When I’m collecting I always run across these thumbnails and I do save them,  but as they would never make a post of their own what I do is at random times I will put six of them together. So here are six unique spanking pics for your enjoyment and I hope that you get something out of them.

I’m going to create a new sub-folder in the WINDSOR’S SPANKING FINDS album where I will store these types of pics.

Thumb1 Thumb6 pineknot1943atla_0027 Thumb5 lompoc 54 Thumb4 Thumb3 Thumb2

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