She Lettered In Whuppins

So this past week I have been busy building my new vanilla website. As you all know by now I am making an attempt at self employment through several online ventures and I am determined to make this work. I’ve saved up enough money that I have given myself a year to get this project into a working situation, and if in a year from now I start to see a small income then I can possibly stretch this adventure into a two year project,  only time will tell. It may seem quite risky to invest everything into this project,  but to be honest that is what life is about,  right? Taking chances to allow one the opportunity to be successful. If a year from now I lose my investment and my project doesn’t take off,  well what have I lost?  Not a lot really,  I will just end up where I started,  working for the man. At 56 years old this is probably the last chance that I have to make it on my own,  and I will be buggered if I don’t work hard for it to succeed.

So as of now I will stop posting my vanilla videos on this website,  unless of course I have one that is really special,  and instead all of my vanilla work will be on my vanilla website. It may mean that my posting here may get reduced a little bit,  but that is real life coming at you. I’m still going to post on here of course,  but I have to divide it with what brings home the bacon. If you wish to view my vanilla website just click on the link below. Just don’t bring any spanky talk to my vanilla work  😉  This will be the last in depth post about my vanilla project,  though of course I will update you as progress goes during the next year.


My latest video is a 30 minute walk around a graveyard as part of a volunteering project.

As I finished for the day building my new site  (It isn’t finished yet)  I had a quick look through a folder of photos that I never get around to posting. This particular one caught my eye simply because of what the girls are wearing. Now you won’t find old Richard Windsor breaking out the Bullshitosauras in his postings,  this image is from Mainland,  NJ in 1953,  and it looks like our Letterman girl has found a nice chunk of wood on the beach to give an on the spot spanking. Perfect if you like jean clad spankings.

5 thoughts on “She Lettered In Whuppins

  1. I probably should not make this post. In doing so I am getting rather too close in manner to The Long Gray Bearded Loon from the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, if you get my meaning. Now when I was 56, which was quite a while ago, I also had this increasing feeling of desperation and the strong need to strike out in new directions. It was really very strong and almost to the point of a panic. I made some huge changes much bigger than what you appear to be planning. I took it to the limit. I failed. All I accomplished was another failure to add to my lifelong tally. But none of this is my real point.

    My point is that even though my discontent remains; this was in effect my final burst of energy. Once I got into my sixties all the flames became dimmed except one, that being the flame of regret.

    So this is a pretty gloomy post. Everyone is different. But then again I am not unique. So my point is something may be coming down the pike which you never expected in so much as states of mind can change.

  2. I once read the average millionaire failed at least six times in his or her life and that most finally succeed in their mid 60’s! So, I’d say you are in a good place all around! Go for it! Live it! OWN it!

    If anything you do is half as wonderful as your spanking sites, I’d say you should be very proud! Yes, money is nice, but accomplishment takes many forms and unlike alchemists of old, you have already created gold on the net! Your ability to find spanking gems easily eclipses any seeker of those buried in the ground! Your ability to share your good fortune easily eclipses the generosity of many philanthropists, and your love for your craft earns you a well deserved Doctorate of Spankology. You are the Indiana Jones of our craft. Grab your hat, strap on that whip and go do what you do best! Succeed!

    The best in your newest endeavors!

  3. Yes, very best of luck with your venture, Rich!

    Does it say something about these two that the first thing they think of, wandering the beach and finding a big piece of driftwood, is “Let’s make a spanking picture!” I would think so; certainly about their sense of humor, and maybe also an inclination toward adventures that would have put them in our sphere!


  4. Succeed I will, Jim, and if I don’t then at least I know I gave it a shot. We will revisit two years from now and see how things are going.

  5. Dave,

    I rarely have regrets in life, but I do often wonder how many opportunities passed me by in the 70’s and 80’s. If only I had the knowledge then that I have now 🙂

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