All Of Me

Just another part of me trying to relieve some of my spanking material onto you all.

This isn’t a new addition to the spanking world,  though some of the images might be a slight variation of what has been seen so far. I’m pretty sure that when I originally posted this years ago it became one of the countless contributions that I made to the Chross’ database.

This isn’t one of the all time great spanking scenes,  but there is a little story to it. I was working in the UK in 1981 and an incident happened where it was one of the women’s birthday’s with whom I worked with. She was around 40 at the time and her colleagues chipped in to get her a present. When she opened it the present consisted of a white camisole and white french knickers. I can only hope that my eyes didn’t bulge out of my head when she opened it as I imagined her wearing it  🙂

So fast forward just a couple of years and the movie,  All Of Me,  came out. While the spanking isn’t a classic by any means,  the only thing that I could think of at the time was the colleague who I still worked with when the movie came out. The reason obviously being that the camisole and french knickers that Victoria Tennant wore was virtually identical to  the one that I knew my work colleague owned an exact set of. Being that the women was also on the posh side it was very easy to replace Victoria Tennant with her in ones imagination. It was an image that was long lasting on me and even to this day I can picture her.

Anyway,  here is the spanking clip for you,  and below that is a set of various images from the scene that I have collected over the years. I’m also not the biggest Steve Martin fan,  but for some reason I thought that he was hysterical in this film.

3 thoughts on “All Of Me

  1. I must say for sort of a goofy spanking this is a hot scene. I love her outfit very sexy and she has a wonderful bottom. One of my favorites

  2. I’m also a big fan of the outfit, Ron, you are not alone 🙂 The person who the outfit reminds me of I actually have a couple of vanilla photos of her, I picked them up in England last year.

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